Brazil, September 16, 2024

About the city

Beautiful, rich, intellectual, democratic, upbeat, sporty, cultural, sentimental, romantic, modern, serious, extroverted, professional. After all, what could define São Paulo? There is no single adjective that could precisely describe what this world-renowned mega city is all about.

Forged from a melting pot of nationalities, cultures, beliefs, philosophies and ideals, this huge and pioneering metropolis is truly cosmopolitan, both by vocation and choice. It's Italian, German, Jewish, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, French, African, Arabic, Spanish, Latin, Brazilian and Paulistana. These and so many other facets are present in the architecture of the buildings, in the streets, in the refined tastes of the gastronomic suggestions and in the dressing styles and mannerisms of people who never stop as they boldly create the city's history, day after day.

The grandeur of São Paulo can be described in many ways. The city houses the largest hotel compound in Latin America, the most complete hospital hub of the country and it is the most important Brazilian cultural centre. It is considered one of the world's dining capitals. It is the destination for leading acknowledged worldwide events, trade fairs and exhibitions , and it is the home to Brazil ‘s finest academic centers and research institutes among many other references

It is also home to hundreds of cinemas, museums, theatres, cultural heritage sites, parks, performance halls, theme parks, restaurants, bars, hotels, event venues, street fairs, shopping centers and specialized retail districts.

Each year, about 10 million visitors come to town to do business or strengthen professional contacts, go shopping or simply enjoy the cultural program in tune with what is done around the world

Credits: São Paulo Convention & Visitors Bureau


The website of the Secretary of Tourism of the State of São Paulo (Secretaria de Turismo do Estado de São Paulo) is an important source of information for those seeking cultural, entertainment and leisure options in the State. There, you will find itineraries to the beaches, ecology outings and information on all the natural and economic wealth of São Paulo.
